The jars are versatile and come in handy for a variety of purposes. You can use them to store beads, buttons, or other small crafting supplies. You can also store homemade lip balms, creams, or salves, so you always have them on hand.
These 1 Oz Jars with Lids are ideal for those who want to keep their ingredients fresh and organized. If you're looking for an efficient and convenient way to keep your spices or other ingredients organized, these jars are the perfect solution.
E-CREATEは、中国の蓋付き1オンスプラスチック丸型小型瓶の専門メーカーおよびサプライヤーです。 1オンスの蓋付きプラスチック丸型小型瓶製品にご興味がございましたら、お問い合わせください。良心の価格と安心の品質、献身的なサービスを守ります。